Third time lucky!

Labour day weekend use to be a bitter sweet time for me (harbinger of summer’s end and all that). But I’m seeing this weekend through new eyes since discovering FME in 2010.
As over-the-top as it may sound, I find FME weekend to be a mini rebirth, or at very least, a cross cultural spa for the left brain. I am always physically exhausted afterward but also invigorated from the exfoliation of so much cultural dead skin accumulated over the last year.
I’m honored to be an official blogger for the festival this year, apparently the only Anglophone one they could find… and as such, FME takes on an extra aspect, one of mild terror. 
You see, there’s only so much Rosetta Stone can prepare a poor BC boy for the barrage of rapid-fire joual that awaits around every corner. 3 years on, my comprehension has soared, but by the end of any given festival night (after losing track of how many FME logoed-re-usable mug refills I’ve had) all I can do is wax poetic about my fat cat, Madame Oscar, after being asked what I thought of the last band.
All that being said, I’m itching with anticipation of what the weekend holds (maybe it’s just the dead cultural skin talking).

Dave, aka Zeus

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